Saturday, September 15, 2007

Waylon's Trip to Illinois

We took Waylon for his first trip home over Labor Day weekend. We drove and Waylon did just fine. I really wasn't expecting much, but Waylon was able to drive from Lincoln, Nebraska to Omaha. I didn't think he had it in him...but it was and Jess got some good sleep.

Anyway...we are back now and Waylon is coming up on three months old. We aren't planning a party or anything...mostly because Waylon doesn't have any friends. Sad but true....he prefers to stay at home and eat and sleep (and cry) so his social life is kaputz. Hopefully he will grow out of it.

Actually, he does have a FEW friends...there is Floyd the Dog, Reagan (his girlfriend mentioned in a previous post), and Leap, the talking frog...who sings the ABC's. (I'm sure it's good for kids to learn their ABC's and stuff...but Leaps gotta go at some point)

On a more serious point...Waybay is doing GREAT! His third doctor visit was a hoot (I'll post more on that later) and he is developing well. If anyone is even still reading this blog after such a long delay...take a second and post a response so I know somebody is still out there. If there is still interest....we will keep posting.

Thanks for everything and read on for more Waybay info....


Kim said...

I'm still checking the is quite entertaining and I love seeing pics of the Waybay!!! Love him!!!!!
--Aunt Kim

Amanda Lamb said...

I was getting nervous when you said he didn't have any friends...I thought maybe he forgot about Reagan already! Whew, what a relief. But, we need to get them together again, just to be sure. :) He's so CUTE! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Of course we are still out here. As much as we love little Waybay. He is the smartest, funniest,handsomest,.. am I going on too much? Anyway keep us all posted. And I have some questions for this girlfriemd....

Gramma Hall

Anonymous said...

Missed hearing about Waylon these passed few weeks. I check your site weekly and really enjoy reading about the "latest news", the pics are just delightful. You's really be surprised how may interested family and friends there are reading your Blogs.
Keep up the good work....we enjoy!
..Aunt Micki