Saturday, September 15, 2007

Waylon's Third Doctor Visit

So picture this in your head... Waybay and dad going to the doctor. Dad forgets diaper bag. Dad isn't the best diaper changing technician in the developed world. What do you think happens?

I don't have to get into the details here...but suffice it to say I looked like the worst dad in the world. The nurses at the doctor's office were VERY understanding...and helpful. I'm sure they deal with idiots like me all the time.

ANYWAY...his third doctor's visit went fine. The good news: he is still a healthy baby. He is 10 lbs 8 oz and taller than he was when he was born (I don't have the "Stats" in front of me at the moment.) The doctor was very reassuring. ( I think it's a class they take...Reassurance 101)

The bad news: It was time for his first shots. And it was so sad too. He was a happy little bugger enjoying the scenery one moment. He was smiling and looking up at the "shot lady" and then she stuck him. Oh My God.

The look of betrayal was classic. His face flushed red and he just stared at her for what seemed like hours...then all hell broke lose. He screamed and cried and it was a real heart breaker. In his defense (I don't want to make him sound like a little baby or anything) these needles where gargantuan. I could have borrowed one of these needles, stuck a marsh mellow on it and made smores at a campfire and not singe a single hair on my arm. They were that big.

And there were 3 or 4 shots to be had. He was not a happy camper to finish my camping analogy from above. But they say it's good for him in the long run...and I'll try to explain that to him one day if he remembers the pain and asks me about it.

Waylon's Trip to Illinois

We took Waylon for his first trip home over Labor Day weekend. We drove and Waylon did just fine. I really wasn't expecting much, but Waylon was able to drive from Lincoln, Nebraska to Omaha. I didn't think he had it in him...but it was and Jess got some good sleep.

Anyway...we are back now and Waylon is coming up on three months old. We aren't planning a party or anything...mostly because Waylon doesn't have any friends. Sad but true....he prefers to stay at home and eat and sleep (and cry) so his social life is kaputz. Hopefully he will grow out of it.

Actually, he does have a FEW friends...there is Floyd the Dog, Reagan (his girlfriend mentioned in a previous post), and Leap, the talking frog...who sings the ABC's. (I'm sure it's good for kids to learn their ABC's and stuff...but Leaps gotta go at some point)

On a more serious point...Waybay is doing GREAT! His third doctor visit was a hoot (I'll post more on that later) and he is developing well. If anyone is even still reading this blog after such a long delay...take a second and post a response so I know somebody is still out there. If there is still interest....we will keep posting.

Thanks for everything and read on for more Waybay info....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sorry for the delay in Updates!

We are so very sorry for the delay in updates. Things have been hectic lately, but we promise to update much more frequently (especially when Jess learns how to update the blog) ;)

Meanwhile, here is a link to a blog a friend of ours has. They had a baby girl named Reagan a few months before we had Waylon.

Waylon ALREADY has his first girlfriend (that's my boy!)
